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DTI Universal DNA Extraction Kit

The DTI FabSpin Universal DNA extraction Kit is designed for DNA extraction and purification from a variety of from a variety of sample sources including blood, gram-negative bacteria, mammalian cul¬tured cells, plant tissue and animal tissue. This kit employs a proprietary lysis buffer in com¬bination with Spin Column membrane to efficiently purify genomic DNA from the biological sample. The protocol provides a simple method to achieve the rapid isolation of highly puri¬fied genomic DNA and the entire procedure can be accomplished within 20 minutes after tissue cell lysed. Using the kit about 10 μg of highly purified genomic DNA can be extracted from 50 - 200 μl of mammalian whole blood (with anticoagulant), 1 - 10 μl of nucleated erythrocyte in whole blood (with anticoagulant), 1.0 - 5.0 x 109 gram-negative bacteria, 1.0 x 105 - 1.0 x 107 cultured cells, 2 - 30 mg of mammalian tissues and 25 - 100 mg plant tissues. Genomic DNA prepared by this kit is suitable for a variety of applications, such as PCR, South¬ern blotting, RAPD, AFLP, RFLP and other molecular biology experiments.


Catalogue Number

Pack Size
DTI Universal DNA Extraction Kit
100 Preps
DTI Universal DNA Extraction Kit
250 Preps
➥ Kit Specifications:
• The DTI FabSpin Universal DNA extraction Kit is designed for rapid isolation of high purity DNA from variety of 
sample sources including blood, gram-negative bacteria, mammalian cul¬tured cells, plant tissue and animal tissue.
• High pure genomic DNA with an A260/A280 ratio between 1.8-2.0 can be obtained using this kit.
• Genomic DNA obtained is suitable for a variety of applications, such as PCR, Southern blotting, RAPD, AFLP, RFLP and
other molecular experiments.
➥ Storage and Shipment Conditions:
• The buffer components are to be stored at room temperature (15 - 25°C).
• Lyophilised powder preparations of Proteinase K to be stored at -20°C for 2 years/ 4°C for 18 months/ RT for 12 
months. Once reconstituted, store at -20°C.
• Shipment temperature of the kit is room temperature (15 - 25°C).
➥ Components:


Cat# DT9701.100P

(100 Preps)

Cat# DT9701.250P

(250 Preps)

Proteinase K (Lyophilised)
40 mg
100 mg
Proteinase K Reconstitution Buffer
2 ml
5 ml
Buffer GL **
24 ml
60 ml
Buffer GB **
24 ml
60 ml
Buffer WA **
56 ml
140 ml
Buffer WB **
48 ml
120 ml
Elution Buffer
28 ml
70 ml
20 ml
50 ml
Nuclease Free Water
5 ml
12.5 ml
Spin Columns (Green Ring)
100 pcs
250 pcs
Collection Tubes
100 pcs
250 pcs
SDS Insert Sheet
* Customized pack size available
**Contains strong denaturant. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. In case of such contact, wash immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Please refer the safety data sheet
➥ Materials required but not provided:
• Sterile mortar and pestle
• Liquid Nitrogen
• 100% ethanol
• Sterilized water
• Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)
• RNAse A (10 mg / mL) (as required)
• Centrifuge
• Vortex
• Water bath (56°C)
• Micropipettes (2-200 µl, 10-1000 µl)
• Pipette tips (200 µl, 1000 µl)
• Personnel protection equipment including labcoat, gloves and goggles
➥ Preparation Before Experiment:
i. Proteinase K preparation:
For Cat# DT9701.25P, dissolve 10 mg of lyophilised Proteinase K in 500 µl of reconstitution buffer provided in the kit.
For Cat# DT9701.250P, dissolve 100 mg of lyophilised Proteinase K in 5 ml of reconstitution buffer provided in the kit.
For Cat# DT9701.250P, dissolve 100 mg of lyophilised Proteinase K in 5 ml of reconstitution buffer provided in the kit.
ii. If precipitation occurs in Buffer GL, warm at 65℃ and use after standing at room temperature.
iii. Adjust a water bath to 56°C.
iv. Before using the kit:
For Cat# DT9701.25P, add 28 ml of 100% ethanol to Buffer WB (12 ml). Mix well.
For Cat# DT9701.100P, add 112 ml of 100% ethanol to Buffer WB (48 ml). Mix well.
For Cat# DT9701.250P, add 280 ml of 100% ethanol to Buffer WB (120 ml). Mix well.
v. Pre-heat the Elution Buffer to 65°C to improve elution efficiency.

DTI Universal DNA Extraction Kit - Protocol
DTI Universal DNA Extraction Kit - Certificate of Analysis
DTI Universal DNA Extraction Kit - Certificate of Analysis
DTI Universal DNA Extraction Kit - Certificate of Analysis
DTI Universal DNA Extraction Kit - Promotional Document

Experimental Sample

About 3 µg of high-purity genomic DNA was extracted from 25 mg of fish gill tissue is obtained using the DTI FabSpin universal DNA extraction kit. Below is the electrophoresis image of genomic DNA.

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Takara Bio companies provide kits, reagents, and services that help researchers explore questions about gene discovery, regulation, and function. As a member of the Takara Bio Group, DSS Takara Bio India Private Ltd. is part of a company that holds a leadership position in the global market and is committed to improving the human condition through biotechnology. Our mission is to develop high-quality innovative tools and services to accelerate discovery.


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