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RNAiso Plus

RNAiso Plus

RNAiso Plus is a reagent designed for the quick and efficient isolation of total RNA from plant and animal tissues or cultured cells. The process involves adding RNAiso Plus to disrupt the tissues or cells, followed by adding chloroform, mixing, and centrifugation. This separates the solution into three layers: RNA in the upper transparent water layer, DNA in the semi-solid middle layer, and proteins, polysaccharides, and cell debris in the red organic solvent layer at the bottom. The RNA is collected from the upper layer and recovered through isopropanol precipitation. The entire RNA extraction process takes about 1 hour, and the extracted RNA is suitable for RT-PCR, Northern blotting, mRNA separation, and in vitro translation. The red color of the organic solvent layer makes it easy to distinguish the layers during the process. For RT-PCR, it is recommended to treat RNA samples with Recombinant DNase I (RNase-free) to eliminate any gDNA contamination.


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RNAiso Plus

  • • Effective total RNA extraction from plant and animal tissues and cultured cells
  • • RNA extraction using AGPC (Acid Guanidinium-Phenol-Chloroform)
  • • Optimal for cases where large amounts of samples are required or large amounts of total RNA are required.

RNAiso Plus

RNAiso Plus (Code 9108)* 100 ml
RNAiso Plus (Code 9109)* 200 ml
  • • Since it contains protein denaturants, be careful not to let it come into contact with skin or clothing. If it gets into your eyes or on your skin, immediately wash with plenty of running water and seek medical advice.

RNAiso Plus

  • 4℃ (shade preservation)

RNAiso Plus

  • - Chloroform

    - Isopropanol

    - 75% ethanol [ prepared using DEPC-treated H2O] -

    RNase-free water

RNAiso Plus

Type and Quantity of Samples RNAiso Plus Usage (ml)
10 cm² of adherent cells 1
5×10⁶ ~1×10⁷ suspended cells 1
100 μl of white blood cells 1
50~100 mg of tissue sample 1
- Tissues from which RNA extraction is relatively easy 1
- Tissues from which high-purity RNA extraction is difficult (liver, spleen, bone, and cartilage, etc.) 2
15~30 mg of plant material 1
- (Contains small amounts of polysaccharides and phenols) 2
2~5x10⁷ yeast cells 1
  • *1 For bone and cartilage tissue samples, we recommend using High-Salt Solution for Precipitation (Plant) (Code 9193).

    *2 For plant samples containing a lot of polysaccharides, we recommend using the pretreatment reagent Fruit-mate™ for RNA Purification (Code 9192).

    *3 For yeast samples, we recommend using the pretreatment reagent Yeast Processing Reagent (for total RNA preparation) (Code 9089).

RNAiso Plus

Group Sample Quantity Total RNA Extraction Amount
Between the mouse 1 g About 4,000~5,000 µg
Mouse kidney 1 g About 3,000 µg
Mouse skeletal muscle 1 g About 1,500 µg
Mouse brain 1 g About 1,500 µg
HL60 cultured cells 1×10⁷ pieces About 100 µg
Tobacco leaves 1 g About 1,000 µg
White blood cells 1×10⁷ pieces About 20~40 µg
Whole blood 1 ml 15~20 µg
Carp skeletal muscle 1 g About 50 µg
  • Use 1 ml of RNAiso Plus per 100 µl of whole blood.

RNAiso Plus

Sample Thesis Title Paper Information
Drosophila Curcumin-supplemented diets increase superoxide dismutase activity and mean lifespan in Drosophila Age (Dordr) 2013 August; 35(4): 1133–1142.
Fruit moth Identification of Putative Olfactory Genes from the Oriental Fruit Moth Grapholita molesta via an Antennal Transcriptome Analysis PLoS One. 2015; 10(11): e0142193.
Small intestines Human Lipocalin-Type Prostaglandin D Synthase-Based Drug Delivery System for Poorly Water-Soluble Anti-Cancer Drug SN-38 PLoS One. 2015; 10(11): e0142206.
Bone tissue CD44 deficiency inhibits unloading-induced cortical bone loss through downregulation of osteoclast activity Sci Rep. 2015; 5: 16124.
Penicillium Whole transcriptome analysis of Penicillium digitatum strains treated with prochloraz reveals their drug-resistant mechanisms BMC Genomics. 2015; 16: 855.
Drosophila melanogaster Molecular Mechanisms for High Hydrostatic Pressure-Induced Wing Mutagenesis in Drosophila melanogaster Sci Rep. 2015; 5: 14965.
Bombyx larvae Molecular Mechanisms for High Hydrostatic Pressure-Induced Wing Mutagenesis in Drosophila melanogaster Sci Rep. 2015; 5: 13839.
Fishing Spiders A Comparative Analysis of the Venom Gland Transcriptomes of the Fishing Spiders Dolomedes mizhoanus and Dolomedes sulfurous PLoS One. 2015; 10(10): e0139908.
Seedling RNAi-based functional elucidation of PtrPRP, a gene encoding a hybrid proline rich protein, in cold tolerance of Poncirus trifoliata Front Plant Sci. 2015; 6:808.
Cucumber fruit QTL mapping of cucumber fruit flesh thickness by SLAF-seq Sci Rep. 2015; 5: 15829.

RNAiso Plus