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DTI 100 bp DNA Ladder (Dye Plus)
This marker consists of 10 double-stranded DNA fragments ranging from 100 to 1,000 bp in multiples of 100 bp, plus an additional 1,500 bp fragment. The 500 bp fragment contains triple the mass of the other fragments and serves as a visible reference indicator; all other fragments appear with equal intensity on the gel.

Brand | Catalogue Number | Pack Size |
DTI 100 bp DNA Ladder (Dye Plus) | DT1801.100 | 100 lanes |
• The 500 bp fragment contains triple the mass of the other fragments and serves as a visible reference indicator.
• All other fragments appear with equal intensity on the gel.
• The product is premixed with loading dyes and glycerol.
• Ready for direct use in agarose gel electrophoresis.
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